Home » Project Badhtey Kadam(Child Learning Centres)

Project Badhtey Kadam(Child Learning Centres)

  Azad India Foundation in partnership with Nalanda Charitable Foundation, Mumbaihas startedChild-LearningCenters in the selected 25 villages of Thakurganj block. The main focus of the program is to provide primary education to the children from 6-14 and then mainstreaming them to the formal schools.

  The teaching is done through play-way methods and using visual aids and TLMs. About 750childrenare currently studying atLevel I. The children are given books and other learning aids. These centers are being run in space provided by community members.

  AIF conducts regular competency level tests at the Learning Centers where the knowledge level of the students isassessed through written and oral tests.

  The teachers use several TLMs in the classrooms. These include bamboo sticks, small pebbles, cards, chart papers and pictures. Azad India organized capacity building of the Project team members to enhance the efficiency of the teachers with the support from MrSheesh Ram resource person based in Alwar Rajasthan.

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